Thursday, November 26, 2009


After this past week, I can honestly say that I am thankful for a lot more then ever before. I even could go further and say that I did not even know truly what thankful meant. It takes one second of any given minute and your life is different. I know this now.

I really don't even know why I started this blog. Most likely I will not keep up with it. It's not that I am a quitter. I'm just a forgetter. The memory of a goldfish. It's actually quite embarrassing.

It is officially Thanksgiving and I would like to say what I am thankful for. I am thankful for my children, my husband, my family, my friends, and my life. I take things for granted and I shouldn't, but it is honestly so easy to. I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a close friend this year as my husband is on a trip with the military. He will be home only a day or two after it so we can have our family one then. I am a bit sad, but that is life as a wife of a serviceman. I think I hate more the fact he misses out so much on the children's lives. My son's class had a Thanksgiving Feast and he unfortunately missed it. Sometimes I don't think the kids even understand the dynamics of their dad. I know soon enough my husband's career will change and he will be here all the time. Our family will be different.

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